The selection of poems here is quite extensive from each JLP book. This makes possible a proper browsing, like that which intending readers might do in a bookshop before they decide to buy. We intend this part of the website to be its most enjoyable.
A Hunger, Revised Edition: Petra White
Walking,: New and Selected Poems : Kevin Brophy
Braiding the Voices: Essays in Poetry : Peter Steele
Young Poets: An Australian Anthology : Preface: John Leonard
and then when the : Dan Disney
The Gossip and the Wine : Peter Steele
The Simplified World : Petra White
Marriage for Beginners : Catherine Bateson
White camel : Morgan Yasbincek
The sonnet according to ‘m’ : Jordie Albiston
Collected Poems : Vincent Buckley ; ed. Chris Wallace-Crabbe
Therapy Like Fish: New and Selected Poems : Marcella Polain
Growing Up with Mr Menzies : John Jenkins
White Knight with Beebox:New and Selected Poems : Peter Steele
The Incoming Tide : Petra White
Letters to the Tremulous Hand : Elizabeth Campbell
Vertigo | a cantata | : Jordie Albiston
The Passion Paintings: Poems 1983-2006 : Aileen Kelly