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This volume begins with a book length sheaf of new poems titled A Hunger, by Petra White, then reprints the first two, The Simplified World (2010) and The Incoming Tide (2007). A Hunger is also of course the volume’s title, naming the spirit of urgency in even her quietest language here.

Published, March, 2018


keepsweb hungerweb stonepostcardcover Walking Recurrence2 cumulus2 Collusion2 braidingthevoices2 andthenwhenthe2 pilbara2 Error2 phantomlimb2 patiencemutiny2 thesimplifiedworld2 youngpoets2 theGossipandtheWine poemsjanowen therapylikefish sonnetaccordingtom2 whitecamel2 vincentbuckley2 marriageforbeginners2 MrMenzies whiteknightwithbeebox2 manwolfman letterstothetremuloushand2 incomingtide2 vertigoacantata2 passionpaintings2 oceanIsland2 cuberootofbook2 abud2

Books Published

A Hunger: Revised Edition, Petra White, 2018

Keeps, LK Holt, 2014

A Hunger, Petra White, 2014

Stone Postcard, Paul Magee, 2014

Walking,: New and Selected Poems, Kevin Brophy, 2013

Recurrence, Graeme Miles, 2012

Collusion , Brook Emery, 2012

Cumulus, New and Collected Poems ,Robert Gray, 2012

Braiding the Voices: Essays in Poetry, Peter Steele, 2012

Young Poets: An Australian Anthology,ed. John Leonard, 2011

and then when the, Dan Disney, 2011

Error, Elizabeth Campbell, 2011

The Gossip and The Wine, Peter Steele, 2010

Patience, Mutiny, L K Holt, 2010

The Simplified World, Petra White, 2010

Phantom Limb, David Musgrave, 2010

white camel, Morgan Yasbincek, 2009

the sonnet according to ‘m’, Jordie Albiston, 2009

Pilbara, Mark O’Connor, 2009

Collected Poems, Vincent Buckley, 2009

Marriage for Beginners, Catherine Bateson, 2009

Growing Up With Mr Menzies, John Jenkins, 2008

Therapy Like Fish: New and Selected Poems, Marcella Polain, 2008

White Knight with Beebox: New and Selected Poems, Peter Steele, 2008

Poems 1980-2008, Jan Owen, 2008

Man Wolf Man, L K Holt, 2007

Letters to the Tremulous Hand, Elizabeth Campbell, 2007

The Incoming Tide, Petra White, 2007

Vertigo (a cantata), Jordie Albiston, 2007

The Passion Paintings: Poems 1983-2006, Aileen Kelly, 2006

Ocean Island, Julian Croft, 2006

Cube Root of Book, Paul Magee, 2006

a bud, Claire Gaskin, 2006