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Awards for John Leonard Press Books 2006-2016

National poetry book prizes have been awarded to six titles:

Jan Owen was awarded the 2016 Philip Hodgins Memorial Medal for Literature as a consistently outstanding Australian writer. A large body of her work was published by the press in her book, Poems, 1980—2008.

• Robert Gray’s Cumulus – Collected Poems recently received the 2013 Western Australian Premier’s Poetry Book Award.

• Coinciding with the publication of Cumulus – Collected Poems, Robert Gray won the Philip Hodgins Memorial Medal for Literature, in 2012.

• The 2010 Grace Leven Prize was awarded equally to each of LK Holt’s Patience, Mutiny, Petra White’s The Simplified World and David Musgrave’s Phantom Limb.

• Jordie Albiston’s the sonnet according to ‘m’ 2010 Kenneth Slessor Prize in the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards.

• LK Holt’s Man Wolf Man—2009 Kenneth Slessor Prize in the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards.

• Coinciding with the publication of White Knight with Beebox: New and Selected Poems, Peter Steele won the Philip Hodgins Memorial Medal for Poetry, in 2009. Peter was also awarded the Christopher Brennan award for Lifetime Achievement in Poetry in the same year.